Dure Najaf 21.45ct


Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: DN-038 Category:

Dur Najaf, also known as Dur-e-Najaf or Najaf Stone, is a highly revered gemstone in Islam, particularly associated with the city of Najaf, Iraq. It’s believed to possess significant spiritual and healing properties. Here are some of the commonly attributed benefits:

Connection to the Divine: It’s said to foster a deeper connection with the spiritual realm, offering a sense of peace and tranquility.  Protection from Negativity: Believed to shield the wearer from negative energies, evil eye, and other harmful influences.  Spiritual Growth: May promote spiritual development and self-awareness.

Physical Healing: While not a substitute for medical treatment, some believe it can aid in healing physical ailments, particularly eye problems.
Emotional Balance: It’s said to help maintain emotional equilibrium, reducing stress and anxiety.
Mental Clarity: May enhance mental focus and clarity.

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